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VyatSU experts will talk about the possibilities of increasing the availability of inclusive higher education

  • 19 September 2022, 19:32
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1457

The resource educational and methodological center for the training of people with disabilities Vyatka State University will hold a meeting with partner universities in order to consult educational institutions of higher education on the implementation of inclusive higher education

Heads of structural subdivisions, faculty and teaching staff involved in teaching students with disabilities, representatives of public organizations, officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in charge of inclusive education, representatives of the employment service, representatives of employers are invited to participate in the meeting.

The meeting participants will get acquainted with the main activities of the VyatSU RUMC network in 2022 to implement the Interdepartmental Comprehensive Action Plan to increase the availability of secondary vocational and higher education for people with disabilities, including career guidance and employment of these people.

During the meeting, issues of organizing career guidance for people with disabilities, measures to ensure the availability of inclusive vocational education, holding events by the RUMC VyatSU network to promote and support the employment of graduates with disabilities will be discussed.

The meeting will be held on September 28 at 13:00 in an online format. You can join using the link

Registration for the event is available on the инклюзивноеобразование.рф.

For questions regarding participation, please contact the call center of the RUMC VyatSU by phone 8-800-222-43-50 or e-mail

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