Online newspaper

VyatSU extends boundaries of e-education

  • 27 April 2016, 15:08
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2208

The representatives of e-education Department of the Leading (Support) University and Novosibirsk universities have discussed the possible directions for collaboration in the field of distance learning technologies.

Thus, overcoming obstacles and forming  optimal info-communicational space were under particular debate.

Etlena Deyneko, the head of the Distance Learning Department at the Siberian University of Consumers’ Cooperation, has shared the experience of how distance learning technologies are implemented in Novosibirsk universities. Olga Tokmakova, the Head of the Department of E-Education at VyatSU, presented the educational portal of the University and set out the perspectives for e-education advancement at the Leading (Support) University.

The meeting resulted in setting the most vital and urgent directions for future collaboration of the universities in e-education and distance learning technologies. 
