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VyatSU foreign students shine at Gala

  • 27 April 2018, 09:56
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3371

VyatSU International Week was completed tonight by a faery event that was a grandiose gala concert, prepared by foreign students.

The general mood was reflected by the musical composition "We are together" symbolizing the unity and friendship of 350 people from 23 countries that met at VyatSU and are trained on different educational programs.

Foreign student life is full of both academic and creative events: the presented concert proved it brilliantly! One may debate for a long time, whether Pushkin's poetry is still in demand today, or one can just listen to the soulful performance of the famous "Confession" by Bashir Abdelmoneim Hamid Abdalla - and it becomes obvious that our classics are really eternal and still touch souls. The students of Heihe University Zhao Shiping and Liu Hongsheng also applied to poetic art: they read poems of Soviet poets dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

It turned out that the guys from Heihe University are fluent in not only Chinese and Russian languages, but also English: this was confirmed by Yang Biyung, who performed the famous "My way". Her compatriot Tang Yuan introduced the Chinese folk dance and fascinated the viewers with a special unique grace.

A real sensation was caused by the dance of Ntumba Benedicte Tshibitshabu and Deagbo Julienne Ambunga; they came from the Congo to study Russian at the Preparatory Department of Vyatka State University. These girls proved to be real stars on the dance floor: there is great natural plastics and charm in them!

Their Congolese mates Jonathan Mankela and Ronald Belo are in no way inferior in style, sense of rhythm, and real drive!

The spectators burst into applause when students from Sudan performed the folk song "Nasim Shabbal", and during the energetic Turkmen dance " Küşt depdi". Stormy emotions of the spectators were caused by the Tajik folk dance performed by Farida Hisaynova and the song "Dukhtari dekhkon" presented by Mavluda Saduloeva.

And what a surprise was the Russian "Kalinka" performed by the trainees from China!

The final student anthem gathered all the Gala participants on the stage.

To say that the concert was a success is to say nothing. It produced a "blowing up" effect, and the spectators could not help applauding. Yuriy Kuvaldin, pro-rector for educational and social work noted that each performance became a kind of a magic mirror that reflected the culture and traditions of those foreign countries, and thus, while assembled together, they formed a bright kaleidoscope!

Special gratitude to the organizers of the concert - the Preparatory Faculty of Vyatka State University and its Dean Irina Merkulova! The festival they organized was an undoubtable success!

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