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VyatSU freshman invited to the International conference in New York with the participation of UN secretaries

  • 30 November 2020, 10:13
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1681
A student of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design Laziz Abdulkhamidov is preparing to participate in the UN MM conference (International Model United Nations)

The United Nations Model (UNM) is a synthesis of a scientific conference and role-play, during which students from all over the world in several official UN languages ​​reproduce the work of the organs of this organization, acquire diplomatic, leadership, oratory and language skills, as well as the ability to come to compromise.

Among those who will help the elected representatives of the student body in this are prominent political figures of the countries of the world, former UN general secretaries, in particular, Ban Ki-moon. In addition, at stake is, except the colossal experience, a grant of € 1,000.

Laziz Abdulkhamidov (student of VyatSU, FTID, 1st year):

    In order to become a participant in the conference, I had to present to the jury my vision of the project with the main question of the same name "How to change the world?" I did not sleep day and night and thought about what to do next, how to prepare for this, we are talking about a world event at the UN headquarters. The worries disappeared, and I understood how to act when I remembered the statement of the successful basketball player Michael Jordan: “I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying”.

A look at the global problem Laziz described with the key factors in which he touched upon the issues of interaction between peoples to improve the situation in the world, changes in the environment and human well-being, and even presented his terms for solving world problems.

Laziz Abdulkhamidov (student of VyatSU, FTID, 1st year):

    Such events allow us, selected students, to unite and exchange views and experiences. Finding a fair solution to an urgent global problem and proposing it on the world stage is a huge responsibility of an individual, because it determines the intelligence of not only a university student, but also a citizen of the country. It is a great honor for me to participate in the Model UN International Conference. This not only broadens one's horizons, but also enriches new knowledge in the field of politics, economics, and international relations.

As a reader of international scientific journals on the "Web of Science" and "Scopus" platforms, Laziz is sure that modern youth, future scientists, should strive to change the world for the better not only by studying the direction chosen at the university, but also by learning other areas of science. Participation in the Model United Nations creates, according to Laziz, diplomatic privileges to work together to create a "better world."

    It is important to understand that some of the students' ideas about global problems may be real solutions for the UN in the future. Since childhood, I have been interested in international organizations and their activities, political processes, economics, education, relations between peoples, contribution to the development of the world community. I always try to find a fair solution in a difficult situation, which allows me to move forward quickly. Hope all the skills and knowledge will help me in my career. For now, I'm betting on diplomacy and engineering.

The international conference will take place in the spring of 2021. We will follow the participation of the representative of VyatSU in it and will definitely tell you the details.


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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