Online newspaper

VyatSU invites for preparatory courses to the exam and OGE

  • 1 September 2021, 16:25
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1451

  Hi graduates of 2022! September came, which means it is time to think about preparing for the EGE and OGE!

Vyatka State University announces a set of paid preparatory courses to prepare you for the EGE (for 11 classes, graduates of technical schools and colleges) and OGE (for 9 classes) for all general educational subjects.

Benefits of the preparatory courses Vyatgu:

    Low cost of the courses
    Experienced teachers
    Quality and efficient preparation

Classes will help future students to recall the forgotten theoretical material, fill the gaps in knowledge on individual topics and sections, systematize the existing knowledge, as well as practice in solving test tasks, as close as possible to the form and technology of the EGE and OGE.

Registration for the  courses will begin on September 1 and will be carried out until September 24, classes will begin from October.

How to sign up? Very easy!

    Call by phone: +7 (8332) 32-11-42, +7 (8332) 74-29-35
    Write a message to the VK group 'Preparatory Courses'
    Write on e-mail:

ul. Moscow, 36, Cab. 243.
Tel.: +7 (8332) 32-11-42, +7 (8332) 74-29-35
Group VK "Preparatory courses VyatSU"

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