Online newspaper

VyatSU invites you to preparatory courses

  • 2 April 2021, 12:05
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1661

Courses are designed for applicants who pass entrance examinations conducted by Vyatka State University independently in the form of testing

Classes will help applicants remember forgotten theoretical material, systematize existing knowledge, and practice solving problems.

Who can take the test:

    - citizens with vocational education (primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher);

    - Foreign citizens;

    - disabled people.

Registration for the courses will take place from April 1 to April 26. You can enroll in both full-time and remote courses!

The planned start of classes is May 4th.

The cost of one subject for the entire course of study is 4960 rubles.

How to sign up? Very easy!

- call tel.: +7 (8332) 32-11-42, +7 (8332) 74-29-35
- write a message to the group VK "Preparatory courses of VyatSU" (indicating the full name and subjects of interest)
- write an e-mail to: (indicating the full name and subjects of interest).

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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