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VyatSU is ready to share the best practices for implementing transformations with colleagues from other Russian universities

  • 31 May 2021, 11:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1401
Today the university has dozens of successful cases of a wide thematic range

Many people know that over the years of participation in the project of flagship universities in Russia and the implementation of the development program for 2016-2020. Vyatka State University has accumulated vast experience in implementing transformations - there are dozens of best practices! At the same time, it is important that each of them is comprehensively worked out, comprehended, packaged and ready for replication.

What can the largest university of the Kirov region offer to colleagues from other regional universities today? A fairly wide range of interesting cases on various topics - including consortium, hierarchical and project management models of interaction between universities and regions.

Why is the consortium format attractive in the context of the region? What is its effectiveness, what does it give? First of all, financial stability and competitiveness in the market, according to the members of the university's change team. This is because the consortium model allows for pooling the resources of the participants, ultimately producing a synergistic effect and expanding the capabilities of each of the players.

The core of the consortium model of interaction between the university and the region is the university, which acts as a support for the development of the region and receives new opportunities to achieve its goals by using the resources of other participants. One of the striking examples is the activity of VyatSU, aimed at the formation of a high-tech biopharmaceutical industry in the region, which was developed in the form of the creation of a biotechnological and immunobiological scientific and educational center of the world level "Biopolis" on the territory of the region. In addition to Vyatka State University, it included Kirov State Medical University, Vyatka Agrotechnical University, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", State Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Federal Scientific Research Center and development of immunobiological preparations named after M.P. Chumakov RAS, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Nanolek LLC, Invac LLC.

The use of a hierarchical management model makes it possible to ensure the leading role of the university in consolidating the process of technological modernization and re-equipment of the region's industry. Unlike network and horizontal management models, hierarchical simplifies the development and adoption of management decisions at the level of the entire region. The entry of representatives of the university into the governing structures within the framework of this model ensures that it defends its own interests, obtains the necessary resources and uses the opportunities. We remind you that the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach is a member of the Council of Chief Designers of the Kirov region, which plays the role of a key mechanism to ensure the achievement of the goals of diversifying the regional industry, and is also an advisory body of the Engineering Center of the university.

Characterizing the project model, one should pay attention to the fact that it allowed the university to use the creative potential of employees and students, created conditions for uniting representatives of VyatSU and stakeholders into united teams for the implementation of joint projects. Thus, the project "Regional headquarters of positive changes" brought together representatives of local communities, regional authorities and local governments, non-profit organizations, becoming a center of attraction, integrator of socio-cultural changes, consulting and expert center for institutional partners and the population.

The management practice "Alumni Association" has become promising, aimed at strengthening the corporate spirit of current students and those who have already received higher education at VyatSU, but continue to feel a strong connection with the alma mater. On the way to the implementation of the project, communication platforms were created in social networks, allowing interaction with different target groups of alumni. A section "Thank you, VyatSU" appeared on the university website - now everyone can make donations within the framework of the project of the same name. In addition, a working group has been formed from among the interested employees of the university - it is working on interaction with graduates of different years.

The management practice of the Endowment Fund, which is considered as an indicator of the real involvement of external partners in the life of VyatSU, is of great interest. For the authors of the project, the starting point was the following: if partners value the university, then they will be ready to influence its development through endowment tools. The assumption was fully confirmed by the successfully completed negotiations with PJSC VTB Bank on financing the VyatSU endowment fund. In April last year, VTB Bank became the first investor and contributed 3 million rubles to the endowment fund. In July, the endowment capital managed by VTB Capital began operating.

Based on the results of work for 2020, by the decision of the Fund's Board of Trustees, income from endowment management was aimed at stimulating students and graduate students who develop science and actively participate in social and volunteer activities. The leadership of the university, the Primary Trade Union Organization of Students and the Student Council decided to award the VyatSU Recognition Prize only to students and graduate students studying on a paid basis.

The described cases are a small part of what the largest university of the Kirov region can share today. Creation of the Project Office ASI-uni, an educational consortium of municipal educations, centers of scientific collaboration, a mentoring program; formation of a personnel reserve for state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation; project management as a tool for implementing transformations - and this list of successful cases is far from complete! It is impossible to list everything, but it is important to note what the vice-rector for strategic development and project activities of VyatSU Konstantin Bazhin drew attention to:

    A distinctive feature of the implemented, described and tested by VyatSU best practices for implementing transformations is their complex and multitasking nature. The choice of the proposed models by colleagues from Russian universities will help management teams to master and implement, in a short time, effective practices for the development and interaction of the university with external stakeholders: state authorities of the region, municipalities, business associations, employers' associations, public organizations, initiative citizens.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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