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VyatSU law students were told about the ways of interacting with taxpayers

  • 12 May 2021, 11:31
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1484

On May 12, 2021, at the Legal Institute of Vyatka State University, within the framework of the project "Actual problems of legal regulation in the field of administrative and public activities", a public lecture of the Federal Tax Service was held on the topic: "The Federal Tax Service as a State Control Body. Ways of Interaction with Taxpayers"

The meeting was held by employees of the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for Kirov, Deputy Head of the Department for Work with Taxpayers Olga Gennadievna Mamaeva and an employee of the Department, State Tax Inspector Yury Yuryevich Limonov.

Representatives of the Federal Tax Service spoke about the interaction of the Federal Tax Service, as regulatory authorities and taxpayers, and also demonstrated the capabilities of the Federal Tax Service website. The new features of the taxpayer's personal account were considered in detail, as well as attention was paid to various aspects of the economic activities of taxpayers, leading to the commission of tax offenses.

Since competent specialists in the tax area were invited, the information was presented in a simple accessable language, moreover, it was accompanied by vivid examples.

The event was interesting, the students learned a lot about working with the website and the taxpayer's personal account. Information about employment after graduation from university, as well as about the social activities of the Federal Tax Service employees, was useful.

At the end of the meeting, the students asked their questions and received an invitation to visit the Federal Tax Service in the future.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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