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VyatSU made a map of graduates around the world

  • 19 January 2021, 09:41
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1606
The research data will be used to establish contacts with those who studied in different years at the largest university in the region today

The main stage of a large-scale project aimed at identifying graduates of different years with the aim of further mutually beneficial cooperation has been completed at Vyatka State University. The work was carried out by a large team representing different structural divisions of the university, with the support of the university consortium of big data researchers.

In the course of the study, more than 53 thousand profiles of users of the social network "VKontakte" were identified having VyatSU and VyatGGU - universities, united in 2016 into Vyatka State University, the largest in the Kirov region - in the section "Place of study". Determining loyalty by analyzing subscriptions to affiliated groups and the frequency of likes for university news, creating a social portrait of a graduate - all this was done thanks to the digital footprint left on the popular network. The project team was also able to recreate migration models - it turned out that the routes of many VyatSU graduates went far beyond the region.

- Our graduates live and work all over the globe - it remains only after Elon Musk to aim at the conquest of Mars, - noted the vice-rector for development based on data analysis Ekaterina Mityagina.

The scope of the development of the world by VyatSU graduates is really impressive - the map compiled on the basis of the data obtained by the specialists of the university project office confirms this. All regions of Russia, neighboring countries, European states, USA, Madagascar, Japan, Australia - our people are everywhere! How can you use the information received?

- Vyatka State University is in constant development - graduates have the opportunity to become an important part of this process. It is them, the people who graduated from the university in different years, who can help in determining the vector of further movement. It is important for us to understand their requests, their views on what the university should be like today, so that people would like to return here, start cooperation, hire current graduates, place an order for research projects, - rector Valentin Pugach explained.

Valentin Nikolayevich stressed that receiving feedback can and should benefit not only the university, but also the graduates themselves.

   - We need to feel like a family whose members help each other. The university is ready to offer graduates modern online courses, internships, to contribute to their career growth, - noted V.N. Pugach. -  And through such a lively cooperation, we will be able to continue activities to implement the "third mission" of the university in the interests of a wide range of participants.

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