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VyatSU Olympiad on composition brought together about a hundred participants from the region

  • 26 February 2019, 07:01
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4275

Competitions were devoted to the 220th anniversary of Alexander Pushkin

On February 16 a regional (full-time) Olympiad in composition took place. “The magic of Pushkin's words” was the theme of the Olympiad dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the genius of Russian literature Alexander Pushkin.

Among the 93 participants of the Olympiad there were representatives of secondary and children's art schools, as well Houses for arts and crafts for children from Kirov and Kirov region: Kirov children's art school, art and technology lyceum, children house for arts and crafts “Vdokhnovenie”, art-studio “Etjud”; children's art schools "Rhapsody", "Pastoral" and "Elegy"; children's art school and gymnasium of Slobodskoy; children's art schools of Kirovo-Chepetsk and Belaya Kholunitsa. Students of Vyatka Art School named after Rylov, Vyatka Humanitarian and Economic College and students of VyatSU Faculty of technology, engineering and design also took part there.

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