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VyatSU professor Yevgeny Vechtomov first introduced a new mathematical object into use

  • 29 October 2020, 10:18
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1661
This was the focus of the scientist's report at the international conference on problems of algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics

At the end of September, the XVIII international conference "Algebra, number theory and discrete mathematics: modern problems, applications and problems of history" (Tula) was held. One of the participants was head of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems of VyatSU Professor Evgeny Mikhailovich Vechtomov. In an online format, the scientist presented a half-hour presentation "Semiring of continuous correspondences on topological spaces."

For the first time in the lecture, a new mathematical object, a semiring of continuous correspondences, was introduced into scientific use, a theorem on the definability of any topological space by a semiring of continuous correspondences on it, as well as a scheme of proof, was presented.

In addition, Professor Vechtomov remotely participated in the defense of two Ph.D. theses on mathematical modeling at the dissertation council of the KFU.01.04 of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. E.M. Vechtomov has been a permanent member of this dissertation council since September 1, 2019. Notably, the vote was open, as several board members participated in online meetings. During the scientific discussion on the second dissertation, Evgeny Vechtomov made a remark about the quality of the presentation presented by the dissertation candidate.

Translated by Artemy Sizov

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