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VyatSU project is among the best cases of urban environment development

  • 19 February 2021, 10:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2271

The "Free Quarter" project, aimed at improving the university campus in the quarter of Svoboda-Krasnoarmeyskaya-Lenin streets, was included in the Atlas of Successful Practices of Participation and Involvement of Citizens in the Development of the Urban Environment, prepared by experts from the Center for Urban Competencies of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI)

In a collection of 50 solutions from 38 cities, including case studies from Austria, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and Scotland, which show how exactly can residents be involved in the design of urban spaces. All the solutions included in the Atlas are dedicated to various forms of civic participation and methods of involving residents in urban projects that are implemented by local communities, activists and urbanists. There are no analogues to the collection in Russia, it is available at the link:

The selection of practices took into account the direct participation of city residents in decision-making, their desire for self-organization, cooperation and an increase in the capitalization of the city from the actions of citizens.

    Making people partners in the processes of urban improvement is perhaps one of the most pressing and painful topics for Russian regions today. This process is especially difficult due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic. Meanwhile, the world, and in our country in particular, has accumulated quite solid and positive experience of systemically used practices of involving residents in urban development issues. In the past year, their diversity has been enriched with examples of successful online solutions. We have set ourselves the goal of generalizing, systematizing and communicating in an accessible form this experience for its replication in Russian cities, - Tatiana Zhuravleva, head of the ASI Center for Urban Competencies, noted.

The compiled "Atlas" of projects allows regional executive authorities and local self-government to improve the quality of the urban environment, taking into account the characteristics of the territories and based on the opinion of residents.

Meanwhile, as part of the improvement of the VyatSU campus, it is planned to organize recreation and leisure areas with additional common functional facilities - a stage, a cafeteria and a sports ground. As well as the organization of a network of pedestrian paths and the conversion of internal facilities into multifunctional points.

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