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VyatSU received certification from Huawei in the field of artificial intelligence

  • 18 February 2021, 10:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1729
The university received the right to conduct advanced training courses and issue certificates from Huawei for any other specialists in the ICT market in the direction of "Artificial Intelligence"

Vyatka State University and Huawei signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education, according to which VyatSU became the eighth university, along with the M. Bauman, NRU HSE, MISiS, MIREA, SPbSUT, LETI and ITMO, that entered the Huawei Networking Academy program.

The teachers of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems (IMIS) Anastasia Kotelnikova (Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics) and Roman Markov (Department of Fundamental Mathematics) received international certificates of teachers in the direction of "Artificial Intelligence" from Huawei.

Certification is a systematic work necessary to improve the educational process of IMIS VyatSU in accordance with the best world practices. By the end of the academic year, a number of IMIS teachers will also undergo training and certification in such areas as Big Data and Wireless Networks.

For reference

Huawei Authorized Networking Academy is a dynamic educational cooperation program in the sphere of education, that the company offers to colleges and universities around the world to provide advanced theoretical and practical training for undergraduate students, graduate students and teachers in the ICT industry. The program includes preparing teachers for conducting authorized Huawei courses and opens up opportunities for all participants to undergo international or local certifications in a number of relevant ICT areas. The program is primarily aimed at students planning to work in infocommunication companies.

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