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VyatSU student Alexander Laptev takes the first place in the 13th All-Russian competition "Best Student's Graduate Work in Marketing"

  • 22 April 2017, 18:39
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3562

A qualification commission finished its evaluation work in April 2017. Over 40 works from all over Russia have taken part in the competition. There have been a lot of Master's theses among the competed works.

This year the majority of presented works have been prepared in "Marketing" direction that has increased the competition tension in this nomination.

Leading Moscow universities, such as Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Russian State University for the Humanities and others took part in the event.

The graduate work prepared by VyatSU’s Alexander Laptev has been recognized the best one among the Master’s works. The topic he had chosen was "Methodological aspects of franchising as a form of regional entrepreneurship development" (Academic Advisor Anastasia Sozinova, the Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor).

According to Anastasia Sozinova the expert commission has highly appreciated the work of Alexander Laptev.

Alexander has been inspired to choose his further path in the field of education, and he also has already started his scientific research. The student actively participates in study of conceptual approaches and practical marketing problems, and now he is working hard on his Candidate’s thesis in marketing.

It should be mentioned that this is not the first success of our students. For example in 2015 VyatSU student Sarvar Giyositdinov took the first place in the section "The Economic Aspect of the SCO Activities" at the Youth Week of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (hold in MSU named after Lomonosov) with the report: “ROBIN HOOD’s” INDEX AS AN INDICATOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCO COUNTRIES (Academic Advisor A. Sozinova). These report at the SCO Youth Week aroused scientific interest, and its preparation was very time- and effort-consuming, so the author could be characterized as an originally thinking and diligent researcher.


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