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VyatSU students are winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad "Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials"

  • 29 April 2021, 17:13
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1443

From 12 to 16 April 2021, on the platform of St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technology and Design, the IV International Congress “Design. Materials. Technology" took place, within the framework of which the III round of the All-Russian student subject Olympiad in the discipline" Technology of artistic processing of materials.

Vyatka State University was represented by 4 students of the Department of Technology and Design of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design, 2-4 courses.

Within the framework of the Olympiad, students developed a detailed project of a decorative and applied product on the theme "Mythology in Design", including a design project, a conceptual description and a complete technological process of manufacturing the product being developed.

Among a large number of competitors from universities in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ivanovo, Magnitogorsk, Lipetsk, etc., our students were among the best:

    Chibyshev Vitaly (TCOb-2801) - diploma for the 1st place in the "Graphics" nomination;
    Irina Vorozhtsova (TCOb-3801) - diploma for the III place in the "Graphics" nomination;
    Kleiman Anastasia (TCOb-4801) - diploma for III place in the "Composition" nomination;
    Mubarakov Aydar (TCOb-3801) - diploma of the participant who showed a high level of work.

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