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VyatSU students became prize-winners of the regional championship "Abilympics"

  • 26 April 2021, 10:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1464

Representatives of the Faculty of Computer and Physical - Mathematical Sciences Dmitry Laptev and Ilya Shakhtorin took II and III places, respectively, in the competence "Web Design", the third-year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Marina Kuznetsova became the second in the competence "Industrial Robotics"

The VI regional championship in professional skills among persons with disabilities "Abilympix" continues in Kirov. On April 21, on the site of the Center for Technical Creativity, competitions in the competencies "Web Design" and "Industrial Robotics" were held, among the participants of which were students of the Pedagogical and Polytechnic Institutes, the Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems of VyatSU.

Future defectologists Kristina Klimova and Marina Kuznetsova tested their strengths within the Industrial Robotics competency. Each of the participants has developed a program for the industrial robot KUKA, aimed at performing a number of tasks. Among them, drawing on souvenir products and assembling components into a single structure - a children's pyramid. Competition experts highly appreciated the level of professional training of VyatSU representatives - Marina Kuznetsova was awarded second place.

The university was worthily represented by the team of competence "Web-design", a new direction of the championship "Abilympics". For three hours, the students were creating a wireframe model and design layouts of the 'Landing Pade' for a smartphone, tablet and desktop. Representatives of the Faculty of Computer and Physical - Mathematical Sciences performed more successfully than others: Dmitry Laptev took second place, Ilya Shakhtorin was in third.

I am satisfied with participation in the championship. The competitions are perfectly organized, the tasks are quite interesting - in the course solving them I realized that I had all the necessary knowledge. I also gained new experience, which is very happy, - shared Ilya Shakhtorin, undergraduate of the Department of Digital Technologies in Education.

As the curator of the university team Elena Khmelkova, an employee of the RUMC VyatSU, said, representatives of the largest university in the region will have to represent themselves in one more competence. This is "Text Processing", the competition for which will be held on April 23, on the final day of the championship.


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