On November 25, 2017 the second All-Russian Youth Tournament "Roboshturm - 2017" was held in Yaroslavl.
Vyatka State University was presented by a team of four students of the Polytechnic Institute, who also study in VyatSU Center of robotics and mechatronics: Andrey Aleksandrov, Elena Grigorash, Evgeny Kompanets and Timofey Konyshev.
The team took the second place in the category "Linia-profi". In this kind of competition the robots of participants had to overcome some track consisting of homogeneous objects (like circles and strips) in a shortest time period. The competition rules set 1 minute as a maximum time. And VyatSU robot managed to overcome it for just 16.81 seconds!
We congratulate students with such a success at the tournament and wish them new victories!