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VyatSU team took first place at the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Pedagogy

  • 24 March 2021, 12:41
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1812

From 17 to 19 March, the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Pedagogy "Foresight Pedagogy 2021" was held at the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

The Olympiad in Pedagogy is a platform for discovery of the professional potential of future teachers, meeting new friends, forming business contacts, generating unique ideas and creative atmosphere of participants-carriers of culture and traditions of different regions of Russia.

More than 100 students from 20 cities of Russia took part in the Olympiad. The team from VyatSU included representatives of different faculties studying in the direction of training "Pedagogical education": Elizaveta Dresvyannikova and Alina Adeeva (Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology), Natalia Bezrodnykh and Alisa Khaustova (Faculty of Linguistics), Denis Domnin (Faculty of Computer and Physics and Mathematics sciences). The team leader was Svetlana Stanislavovna Bykova, Associate Professor of the Pedagogy Department.

The VyatSU team has shown excellent results!

1st place in the team competition in the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Pedagogy "Foresight Pedagogy 2021".

Team captain Denis Domnin shared his impressions:

    - For me, participation in this Olympiad was something new, but incredibly interesting. Despite the fact that I was the only new member of the team, I was entrusted with the mission of the captain. I feared of letting the team down and not meeting expectations, but we succeeded and we went through all the stages with dignity: from a business card and holding events to creating our own unique digital products of pedagogical activity. I believe that without our team spirit and cohesion, such a result would not have happened.

Alisa Khaustova won the 1st place in the individual standings.

She shared her impressions:

    - When last year we participated in this Olympiad, after the results were announced, we made a promise to ourselves that we would win next year. Then for us it sounded more like a dream, not a goal. But at some point we realized that the desired victory is closer than it seems and began fruitful preparation.

    And on March 19, 2021: "The winner of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Pedagogy is ... Alisa Vladimirovna Khaustova!" Who! Me? Seriously? Honestly, I almost burst into tears. Everything that happened afterwards was in a foggy euphoria. Now I think how lucky I was to become a part of the best team in the world, to have such an amazing teacher (Svetlana Stanislavovna is the best!) And curator Diana, and of course, to be a participant in the FORSIGHT PEDAGOGY Olympiad!

3rd place in the individual standings with Natalia Bezrodnykh.

Natalia Bezrodnykh said:

    - The guys and I had the great honor to represent our university at the All-Russian Olympiad, we felt the responsibility that fell on our shoulders, and decided to take the victory. It was great to feel again that friendly atmosphere of Minin University, it was a wonderful experience. Due to the epidemiological situation for active students like us, participation in such an event was a real gift!

We are proud of our team of future teachers! They adequately represented our university at the All-Russian level!

Special gratitude to the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin for organizing and conducting the large-scale event "Foresight Pedagogy 2021".

Translated by Artemij Sizov

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