Online newspaper

VyatSU took part in the international week of experience exchange

  • 28 November 2021, 10:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1280

The event was held from November 9-11, 2021 Kanagawa University (Japan)

As part of network sessions on the Zoom platform, 39 participants from 19 countries shared their experience and discussed the problems of education and implementation of international activities during a pandemic.

During the program, discussions, exchange of views, round tables to discuss ideas of foreign colleagues took place. Thanks to the program, the participants learned a lot of useful information and made new discoveries.

VyatSU, being a partner of the University of Kanagawa, also took part in the Week of experience exchange. Zhanetta Nikolaevna Merkulova, deputy head of the department of international activities, became the representative from our university. She took part in the roundtable discussions and shared her experience of the successful implementation of the Erasmus + project "Pedagogical Training of Engineering Teachers / ENTER".

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