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VyatSU Vice-Rector Ekaterina Mityagina took part in an expanded meeting of the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres

  • 29 April 2021, 11:22
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1605

An expanded meeting of the Coordinating Council for Youth Affairs in the Scientific and Educational Spheres of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education was held from 23 to 25 April in the Perm Territory. It was attended by finalists and winners of 'Science' specialisation of management competition "Leaders of Russia" 2020 the representatives of the regional Ministry of Education and Science and young researchers. The events were supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory.

The Chairman of the Coordination Council Nikita Marchenkov noted that traditionally the Council tries to hold events in different regions of Russia: “The key priority of the scientific and technological development of Russia is the development of space. This thesis was once again stressed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his Address to the Federal Assembly on April 21. Huge efforts of the state are aimed at creating research infrastructure and decent working conditions for scientists in the regions. Over the past years, our council has been holding most of its meetings “away”, outside of Moscow. We carried out our work events in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Makhachkala, Sochi, Crimea. Of course, we will continue this practice in the future. This time we are holding a meeting in Perm. The choice of this city is not accidental - here, within the framework of the national project "Science", one of the scientific and educational centers has been created and functions well. I am sure that the practice of holding off-site events of the Coordination Council will also give an impuls to the development of science in the region. "

On behalf of Vyatka State University, Ekaterina Mityagina, Vice-Rector for Development based on data analysis, took part in the events:

    - The three-day extensive program of the meeting of the Coordination Council allowed the participants not only to discuss the results of activities in priority areas of work over the previous months, but also to formulate the main approaches to solving current problems and achieving the set results, to carry out thorough work on the currently fundamental issues of the Coordination Council's activities.

The first part of the work program was devoted to the preparation and holding of the International Congress of Young Scientists and the Closing Ceremony of the Year of Science and Technology, which will be the final events of the Year of Science and Technology. They are among the most significant federal events of the Plan for the Year of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation in 2021, and the Coordination Council has been identified as one of those responsible for their implementation. In working groups, participants discussed possible formats and concepts, ideas and content of the main program of the final events of the Year.

The second part was devoted to the issues of expert support for the "Science" specialization of the "Leaders of Russia" competition, organized by the Coordination Council jointly with the ANO "Russia - Country of Opportunities" and also included in the main events the Plan for the Year of Science and Technology. Specialization "Science" this year will be organized for the second time - now the registration of participants continues, which will last until May 17. And the participants in the meeting turned their close attention to what the semi-finalists and finalists of this year will have to face at the last stages. The discussion focused on the main approaches to assessing the participants in the competition, questions were raised about what the “leaders of science” should know and be able to do.

They also raised issues of developing interaction with regional Councils of Young Scientists, including with the support of federal executive bodies - the Coordination Council and Councils of Young Scientists in the field, among other things, also serve as a liaison between young scientists and government authorities. This issue was separately discussed at a working meeting of the leadership of the Coordination Council with the Minister of Education and Science of the Perm Territory Raisa Kassina.

Particular attention in the work was paid to the action "On the cutting edge of science", aimed at involving schoolchildren, and students, in the research sphere and the formation of an understanding of the profession of a modern researcher and including lectures by leading Russian scientists, excursions to scientific laboratories and organizations, projects "Scientists to schools” and “Wings of Good” (for orphans and children left without parental care).

In addition to the work program, the participants of the event got acquainted with the scientific and industrial infrastructure of the region, having visited the Central Engineering and Technological Service "LUKOIL-PERM", EuroChem-Usolskiy Potash Plant with excursions.

One of the days of the work program was held at the Morion Digital Technopark, where the participants could get acquainted with the organization of a private technopark and visit the production of one of the residents - Promobot, the largest manufacturer of service robots in Russia and Europe.

On the final day of their stay in the Perm Territory, the meeting participants had the opportunity to visit the Perm scientific and educational center of the world level "Rational Subsoil Use", one of the first five scientific and educational centers created in Russia as part of the implementation of the national project "Science", to get acquainted with its structure, meet with the leadership of the REC and ask questions of interest about the internal organization and development strategy of the Perm Scientific and Educational Center.

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