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VyatSU young teacher Anastasia Smirnova shares her experience of all-Russian and international forums

  • 16 March 2018, 09:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5813

She is convinced that everyone is able to be in the spotlight: there only should be a desire!

Common misconception is that large-scale events of all-Russian and international level are available only for a small selected group of people. A young teacher Anastasia Smirnova from VyatSU Department of Labor and Social Law believes that having an access to information and being well motivated makes is possible to become quite happy. Our happiness is in our hands, she is sure.


An interview with Anastasia Smirnova, an active and creative person, given to the Law Institute.

- Anastasia, you’ve been taking part in youth events not only of Russian, but also of the international level. Tell us about the most interesting ones.

- Last year was full of events. I was lucky to present Kirov region at the World Festival of Youth and Students. And before that, I flew to Kaliningrad to participate in the All-Russian Youth Forum "Baltic Artek".
- How have you come up with the idea of taking part in the forum campaigns?
- Such forums and international events used to be not so numerous when I was a student. Since 2005 only the International Educational Forum "Seliger" has been holding annually. However, I’ve never happened to get there. Now young people have much more opportunities for personal realization, their projects presentation and support from Rosmolodezh (Federal Agency for Youth Affairs). Therefore, as a teacher, I don’t miss any chance to actively participate in all sorts of events.


- What were your first steps?
- To begin with I registered on the official website of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh); I chose suitable forums and applied for them. As a rule, applications are submitted in spring, and the forums are held in summer.

- What was the most significant event for you?
- Of course, the World Youth and Students Festival was the brightestone. It was the main youth event of 2017. Sochi gathered 25000 participants, 5000 volunteers, representatives of 5 continents and 188 countries. Participation in the festival let me learn about scientific achievements, technical innovations, see well-known politicians, artists and public figures; it also helped me to get acquainted with young people from other countries. I believe that the most important was to communicate with foreigners, an opportunity to learn how they live, what they like and dislike, what they are interested in. We all studied various programs, sang songs, danced, and dined. It was wonderful. I still communicate some of them via email and social networks. I send them photos of our snowdrifts, and in return they send me photos of hot beaches and seas. In general, the festival gave a positive and proper charge of optimism and energy for a long time.


- What are your plans for this year?
- This year I will help students to apply for events. Students of Vyatka State University have the opportunity to become participants of various federal youth educational forums held in different regions of the Russian Federation, such as "Tavrida", "Oriol", "Baltic Artek" and others, as well as specialized youth legal forums "Alexandrova Gora" and "YurVolga".


Anastasia believes that one should declare oneself actively by applying for various forums. Therefore, success is inevitable! Adopting and sharing interesting experience means an excellent opportunity to be on the front line of life.

Read in Russian
