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Why does a student need a mentor?

  • 23 January 2022, 21:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1336

A little more than two months are left before the end of the third season of the VyatSU Mentoring Program, and some mentees are already ready to talk about their participation in the project

Ksenia Putilova is a first-year student at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology. When, at the beginning of the academic year, the director of the institute, Denis Kazulin, told the first-year students about the Mentor program as part of the project activity, the girl immediately decided to take part in the project.

- I am quite an active person, I try to develop myself. Of course, I decided to try. Moreover, there were no such projects at the school that would help self-development. I really liked that the university provides us with such an opportunity - to develop personally, and not just attend classes in the specialty, - Ksenia said.

The student chose Denis Kazulin as her mentor. Over the next months, they worked together on the concept of the "Ideal Teacher", but it all started with the search for the idea itself.

- I just came in with a jumble of thoughts. I only had a general idea of ??what the Mentor Program was and did not know which way to go. Denis Anatolyevich began to tell me who a mentor is, how he can help me. Gradually we found out that I wanted to be the perfect teacher. I have always dreamed of teaching, - says Ksenia.

As part of the Mentor Program, Denis Anatolyevich and Ksenia met once a week. Each time the mentor and mentee analyzed a new question and determined tasks for independent work.

- All meetings were aimed at making me understand what I want. This was the only task that Denis Anatolyevich set for me. We worked out the image of the ideal teacher. I relied on the images of my teachers at school and highlighted those features that I liked in them, which I myself would like to see in myself. For example, I realized that I like teachers who are able to beautifully build a speech. So we came to the conclusion that I need to take public speaking courses in the future. Like that, we sorted out the whole image of the ideal teacher that I would like to become, - said Ksenia Putilova.

Now Ksenia is already working independently in the areas that she identified in the course of working with her mentor, director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of Vyatka State University Denis Kozulin. Among the most significant results of participation in the VyatSU Mentor Program, the student notes that she was able to determine her goals:

- A mentor is a mentor, a person who knows how to go towards his goals. For me, this is a person who can translate my thoughts and ideas into action. In addition, in the Mentor program, each student can choose a mentor. You can choose a mentor that suits you best, with experience in the area that interests you the most. This season I was able to define my goals and now I want to participate in the Mentor program again in my senior years.

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