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"With us people want to do it with quality!" About how the most traditional forum of the Student Council on the quality of education of VyatSU was held

  • 15 November 2021, 13:58
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1389

VyatSU hosted the local educational forum "Ladder of Quality 2.0", organized by the Student Council for the quality of education of VyatSU with the assistance of the Center for Organization of the University's Quality System

The event program includes several blocks. The participants got acquainted with the main functionality of the student government, learned about the requirements for universities in the field of education quality today, and discussed employment issues. At the master classes there was an opportunity to improve their skills in public speaking, creating presentations, and defending projects in the "World cafe".

Valeria Brysina, 3rd year student of the Institute of Economics and Management

    The quality ladder, as an event, was ideally organized and structured in terms of time and type of activity. It was interesting to listen to the speakers and enter into a dialogue with them, share their opinions, try to solve various problems. I met cool guys, got a lot of positive emotions from communicating with both the participants and the organizers

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