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WorldSkills - the key to professional success

  • 17 December 2021, 16:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1417

The experience of participating in the competitions of the championship in the competence "Preschool education" and the implementation of the WorldSkills format in the educational process was told at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vyatka State University

Vyatka State University a few years ago joined the international movement WorldSkills - now the largest university in the Kirov region is invariably an active participant in championships of various levels in a wide range of competencies and is consistently introducing the format of prestigious competitions all over the world into the educational process.

An impressive practice has developed at the Pedagogical Institute of VyatSU. One of the competencies developed at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology is "Preschool education". The start of participation in competitions in it took place in early 2017: back then a student, Alexandra Perminova, achieved success at the regional stage of the WorldSkills standards championship. Subsequently, she entered the semifinals of the national championship and took 9th place there among 56 participants.

In September 2017, the star that is the undergraduate student Tatyana Bashlacheva was lit up with a confident victory in the competitions of the intra-university championship according to WorldSkills standards. Today Tatyana continues her studies in the master's degree at her native faculty, combining this activity with the work of a methodologist at the interregional center for innovative technologies in education.

    "WorldSkills has been a great and rewarding practice for me. As a result of participating in the competition, I gained confidence in myself, and the level of professional competence increased. Subsequently, I completed my training and became a WorldSkills Standards Demo Exam Expert" - shared Tatiana.

Possession of the WorldSkills methodology makes a young specialist especially valuable and in demand: Tatyana Bashlacheva applies the acquired knowledge when conducting classes in refresher and retraining courses.

    "Our graduates are really in great demand by employers - not least due to their knowledge of the WorldSkills format. During the training period, it is actively used in conducting classes, intermediate certification and, finally, at the state exam" - told Lyudmila Vakhrusheva, head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education.

Her opinion echoes the conclusions of the assistant professor of the department Svetlana Savinova, who reported:

    "Mastering the WorldSkills technique takes place with the use of modern equipment. The faculty has created a special room for the competence "Preschool education", where students have access to an interactive sandbox, a didactic chest of drawers, a carpet printer "Casket", a pyramid "Erudite", robots and much more. All this increases the interest of students so much that they are in no hurry to leave, stay after classes to ask constantly arising questions."

Now Svetlana Vasilievna, a compatriot expert according to WorldSkills standards, is busy preparing for the January competitions of the national interuniversity championship "Young Professionals" ("WordSkills Russia") her pupil, a five-year student of the two-profile bachelor's degree ("Pedagogical education: preschool education, additional education"), Inna Suslon. In May of this year, Inna took first place in the "Preschool Education" competency at the intra-university championship - now she is ready to conquer new heights!

    "I am preparing very seriously: after all, the tasks at the championship are difficult and we have a limited time to complete them. There are many different nuances and requirements to consider. For me, the introduction to WorldSkills is valuable, because this format has a pronounced practical orientation. And participation in competitions allows you to test your ability to work in a stressful situation - this is also an important experience" - Inna admitted.

May she succeed, and WorldSkills will become the key to professional success!

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