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XVI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Bio-Diagnostic Problems is held at VyatSU

  • 7 December 2018, 11:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4107

The conference, which become one of the most authoritative in the country, gathered more than 150 participants, about a hundred of whom came from other Russian regions.

Today, the XVI all-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Bio-Diagnostics of the state of natural and man-made systems", which was attended by more than 150 scientists, began its work at the Flagship University. Among them are researchers from different regions of Russia and neighboring countries.

Addressing the conference participants on behalf of the organizers, Valery Yungblyud, the President of VyatSU, stressed that it is very important to create traditions for any educational institution. At the same time, Valery Teodorovich noted, tradition should not become a habit and a routine.

This does not threaten the conference held for the 16th time: every time the most urgent problems are brought up for discussion, new names are opened, interesting accents are placed.

The Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of VyatSU Sergey Fomin drew attention of the audience to the scientific and practical nature of the event. From the point of view of Sergey Valerievich, this reflects the fundamental principle of the University: any research should have a practical result aimed at improving the surrounding life. Another important feature of the work conducted at the institute headed by him is the active involvement of students in the research work - it is in close cooperation of generations that continuity and exchange of experience are carried out, and graduates come to enterprises skilled and tasted real life specialists.

The Minister of environmental protection of the region Alla Albegova and the Head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor in the Kirov region Ildus Gizatullin, for whom the reputation of the VyatSU as a platform for serious research and forge of high-quality personnel is indisputable, confirmed this. They also noted the importance of the format of cooperation between science, government, business and the public offered by the Flagship University of the Kirov region. This is what ultimately allows us to make the right management decisions, including those related to the environmental situation in the region.

Representatives of the Legislative Assembly, the Public Chamber of the Kirov region and the regional Department of Rospotrebnadzor welcomed participants of the conference.

Before the plenary session started its work, the permanent inspirer and ideologist of the conference, Professor Tamara Ashikhmina, emphasized the importance of the presented reports for the modern scientific context. The opportunity to listen to them is of great value not only for experienced specialists, but also for students who have become participants of the meeting.

The social and environmental importance of monitoring antibiotic resistance in soil plants; instrumental methods of biotesting toxicity of water, soil and waste; changes in the middle taiga soils of the Komi Republic with prevailing anthropogenic and natural factors; resources and the use of wild berries of the Kirov region - these topics were covered by the Doctor of biological sciences Irina Shirokikh (Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IB Komi SC UB RAS), VyatSU, Federal Agricultural Center of the North-East named after Rudnitsky), the Professor of the Siberian Federal University Yury Grigoriev, the senior researcher of the Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IB Komi SC UB RAS) Alexei Dymov, the Doctor of biological sciences Tatyana Egoshina (VNIIOZ named after Professor Zhitkov).

In the afternoon and tomorrow, the conference will continue its work in the format of breakout sessions. They will address the issues of biological monitoring of natural and man-made systems, human health and the environment, soil chemistry and ecology, the ecology of microorganisms, plants and animals, as well as methods of bio diagnostics in assessing environmental quality.


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