For students

Department of chemistry and technology of polymer processing

  • 29 July 2018, 10:13
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2314

In 1963, The Department started to train engineers for rubber industry on correspondence form of training, and since 1964, the admission of full-time students began.


Leading specialists of the Kirov Tyre Plant were involved in educational process. The Dean of the chemical faculty and the Department of organic chemistry carried out the supervision of the educational process.


In 1972, the Department of Organic and Analytical Chemistry created special commission for the «Technology of Rubber» course. Khlebov Georgii Ampodistovich headed this commission. Under his leadership, the research and teaching laboratories of the Department were established.


In 1974, by order of the Ministry of education of the RSFSR this special Commission was reorganized in to the Department of the Technology of rubber. This date is considered its official birthday. In 1985, the Department of the Technology of rubber was renamed as the Department of Chemistry and processing technology elastomers.


In 2007, as part of the national project «Education» «Scientific and educational center of polymer materials» was created. It equipped with modern testing equipment worth more than 50 million rubles.


The creation of this center was very important for further development of the Department.


In 2014, a graduate of the Department, candidate of technical Sciences Vesnin Roman Leonidovich was appointed as the acting head of the Department. He heads the Department now.


An important moment in the history of the Department was 2016, when on the basis of the two leading Universities of the region was created a Reference UNIVERSITY of the Kirov region. During the restructuring the Department was named «Chemistry and technology of polymer processing».


The Department trains specialists in the direction of «Chemical technology». There are two profiles for bachelor program (elastomer processing technology, plastics processing technology) and one profile for Magistracy (technology and processing of polymers and composites).


After graduating magistracy, you can continue your education and choose postgraduate program in a similar direction.


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