For students

Department of ecology and environmental science

  • 11 August 2018, 07:11
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2990

The Department of ecology was established as part of the faculty of natural geography of Vyatka state pedagogical University in 1995.

The first head of the Department was the Candidate of geographical Sciences V.А. Klochkov, the only employee of the Department, who conducted classes at the course «Ecology» at all faculties of the university.
Since 1998, Candidate of biological Sciences, associate Professor L. V. Kondakova, headed the Department. In the same year, Doctor of technical Sciences Z. L. Baskin, senior lecturer, associate Professor, candidate of pedagogical Sciences A. A. Khokhlov and Candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor N. Ah. Burkov came to work at the Department.

In 1999, the Department was renamed into the Department of Ecology and methods of training of ecology. However, in 2006, they returned the  name of «Ecology».

The Department trained teachers of ecology in an additional specialty until 2000.

In June 2000, the Chemical faculty was established and the Department was transferred from the natural-geographical faculty to the Chemical faculty.
In August 2000, the first students on the specialty "Ecology" (qualification "ecologist") entered the university.

Since 2005 began training in the specialty "environmental management".

In 2010, The university changed the system of training in to two-level training of specialists. This year the Department of Ecology opened magistracy, and in 2011 – bachelor's program. There is also a postgraduate program.
Now the Department trains specialists in the following directions:

Bachelor program:
05.03.06. Ecology and nature management profile (Landscape design)
05.04.06. Ecology and environmental management (Ecology profiles)

Postgraduate programmes:
05.06.01. Earth science (Ecology profile)
05.06.01. Earth science (Ecology profile)
06.06.01. Biology (profile-Ecology)
19.06.01. Industrial ecology and biotechnology (profile-Ecology).

Graduates of the Department work in the nature protection enterprises and state departments of environmental management (Federal and regional institutions of the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation, the State Committee for Ecology of the Russian Federation, local administrative departments and other environmental departments and institutions), design and survey, industrial and research institutes, bureaus, firms, educational and special educational organizations.

The Department conducts active research activities: studying of ecology of natural and anthropogenically transformed ecosystems, studying of rare and protected species of plants, animals and fungi, inspection of especially protected natural territories of the region, bioindication and biotesting, the analysis of the natural potential of the region and development of recommendations for rational nature management.