For students

Department of accounting, analysis and audit

  • 21 December 2017, 10:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2790

The establishing of the Department of accounting, analysis and audit at the socio-economic faculty of Vyatka State University was in 1997, when economists in the specialty "Accounting and Audit graduated the university.

Today, this is one of the leading Department of the Institute of Economics and Management of Vyatka State University. Activities of the Department are focused on providing training of specialists, bachelors and magisters of high professional level for all economic sectors and economic entities of any legal forms of organization.

The Department trains students on the following profiles:


Bachelor’s programs:

-          Accounting, analysis and audit

-          Tax and taxation

-          Accounting, analysis and control in state and municipal institutions

Magistracy program:

-          Accounting and control


Postgraduate program:

-          Accounting, statistics

The mission of the Department is to contribute to society, business and the economics by handing to graduates knowledge about the best achievements of world and national accounting and analytical sense.

On the basis of the Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit the Scientific and Educational Center "Professional Accountant" is functioned.

The Department cooperates with various organizations on consulting in the field of economic analysis and internal control.

Teachers of the Department participate in audits of different enterprises, lectures at courses of improvement of qualification of accountants and tax advisors, participate in the work of the North-Eastern branch of the Russian Institute of Agriculture Economics, prepared a large number of study guides.


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