For students

Department of finance and economic security

  • 14 February 2018, 09:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3035

The Department of Finance and Economic Security was established in Vyatka State University in 2013.

The head of the Department – Elena V. Karanina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dip.FM, CRMP.RR.

The Department of Finance and Economic Security is the educational and scientific structural division of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Vyatka State University. The department has the graduating status in the following specialties, directions and training profiles:

- 38.03.01 Economics (profiles: "Finance and Credit", "Economic Security and Risk Management", "Banking") (bachelor's level)

- 38.03.02 Management (profile: "Financial Management") (Bachelor's level)

- 38.04.08 Finance and credit (program "Corporate finance") (magistracy)

In addition, the Department performs interfaculty functions such as conducting classes in general professional disciplines and disciplines of the humanities cycle at other faculties of Vyatka State University.

Directions of the research work of the Department assume the development of a scientific school, formed in accordance with the subject of the passport of specialties approved by the Higher Attestation Commission.

More than 500 publications, including 12 monographs, 80 publications in journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list , 20 publications in international citation databases SCOPUS and WEB on SIENSE were prepared during the work of the Department.

The Department conducts research work on the following topical issues:

- Development of the risk management system and economic security: regional and sectoral aspects;

- Improvement of the mechanism of financial management, management accounting and controlling at the macro and micro level;

- Optimization of the system and complex elements of Bank management;

- Development of a mechanism for improving tax, budget and financial control;

- Development of investment analysis methodology;

- Development of a methodology for diagnosing the economic security of Russian regions.

Annually, the Department trains graduate students and applicants for the defense of their dissertations.

In 2017, the Dissertation Council was opened (the specialty 08.00.05 Economics and management of national economy: innovation management, economic security).

The Department annually organizes and conducts International and regional scientific and practical conferences, roundtable discussions with specialists of banks, financial and investment companies, and largest enterprises of the region.
