For students

Department of management and marketing

  • 17 December 2017, 11:06
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2882

The Department of Management and Marketing of Vyatka State University was founded in 1993 as a Department of Production management. In 2005, it was renamed into the Department of Management and Marketing.

The main objective of the Department is preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of marketing and management with innovative knowledge and professional

competencies to ensure high competitiveness of the country.

Currently, the Department annually graduate students of full-time, part-time, correspondence forms of training and form of training using distance educational technologies.


Today, the Department conducts training in the following areas:

Bachelor's program:

38.03.02 “Management”



38.04.02 “Management”


Postgraduate program:

38.06.01 “Economics”


Research activity of the Department is aimed at gaining experience of professional activity, experience of research work, performing research and implementing their results and scientific developments in real business structures.

The Department of Management and Marketing actively participates in supporting of young and promising students. It creates all conditions for the work of young scientists in selected scientific areas.

Teaching staff of the department is 23 teachers, including 3 doctors of science, 14 candidates of science.

Teachers of the department participate in scientific conferences and practical seminars, involving students in this process.


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