For students

Department of service, tourism and trading business

  • 17 December 2017, 10:31
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2059

The creation of the department was dictated by the need to reform the faculty of Economics in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market. It was associated with the need to train specialists in the service sector. In the process of restructuring of the faculty in 2011, the Department of Economics and Business was divided into two departments: the Department of Service and Trading business and the Department of General and Applied Economics.

In 2011, the Department began to train bachelors in educational programs "Service" and "Trading business" due to the demand for specialists in these professions.


Today, the Department conducts training in the following areas:

Bachelor's program:

38.03.06 "Trading business"

38.03.07 “Commodity”

43.03.01 "Service"

43.03.03 "Hotel business"

43.03.02 "Tourism"



38.04.06 Trading business: "Strategy and innovation in Commerce"


The Department trains postgraduate students in the direction 08.00.05 “Economics and national economy”.

The main scientific directions of the Department of Service and Trading business is "Innovations in entrepreneurship. Modern technology in service industry".


For the period 2011-2013 years teachers of the Department wrote and published more than fifty articles on various topics of scientific research.


Annually, Students enrolled in the specialty Service and Trading business are participating in the scientific and practical conference "Society, Science, Innovations". In addition, students take part in all-Russian and international conferences held in different cities of the country.

During the work of the Department, 236 graduates were trained. Many of them made a brilliant career and took leadership positions in different spheres.


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