For students

Stury programs

  • 11 January 2017, 02:39
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2128

The Faculty of History, Political Science and Cultural Studies

Bachelor’s Degree

6.03.01 History

Russian history

Historical and cultural tourism

Social and political history of Russia

Local history

History of international relations

41.03.04 Political science

Political science

41.03.06 Public Policy and Social Sciences

Political technologies and communication

Government relations (GR)

47.03.01 Philosophy

History of Russian and foreign philosophy

51.03.01 Cultural Studies

Management in the socio-cultural sphere

Culture of mass communication

44.03.01 Pedagogical education


44.03.05 Pedagogical education(with 2 profiles)

History and social theories

Culturological education, the English language

46.03.03Anthropology and Ethnology

Anthropology and Ethnology


Master’s Degree

46.04.01 History

History of Russia

Russian history of XIX-ХХcenturies

Modern and contemporary history of Europe and North America

Historical and cultural tourism

47.04.01 Philosophy

Social philosophy

51.04.01 Cultural Studies

Technologies of Social and Cultural Projecting

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education



The Faculty of Philology and Media Communications

Bachelor’s Degree

45.03.01 Philology

Russian philology (the Russian language and literature)

Applied philology (the English language)

44.03.05 Pedagogical Education (with 2 profiles)

The Russian language and literature

44.03.01 Pedagogical Education

The Russian language

42.03.02 Journalism

Television journalism

Multimedia journalism

Periodicals and press

42.03.01 Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising and Public Relations in business

42.03.03 Publishing Business

Book publishing


Master’s Degree

45.04.01 Philology


Russian as a foreign language

Language education

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Language education

Literary education

42.04.02 Journalism

Theory and methods of journalistic creativity

42.04.01 Advertising and Public Relations

Communicative strategies in advertising and public relations

42.04.03 Publishing Business

Editing for printed and electronic publications


The Faculty of Sociology and Social Technologies

Bachelor’s Degree

39.03.02 Social Work

Social work

37.03.01 Psychology

Organizational psychology

39.03.03 Organization of Work with Youth

Organization of work with youth

39.03.01 Sociology

Sociologyof management

Applied methods of sociological research


Master’s Degree

39.04.02 Social Work

Social work with different population groups

39.04.03 Organization of Work with Youth

Management for innovative development of young people in  professional environment

39.04.01 Sociology

Complex social analysis


The Faculty of Linguistics

Bachelor’s Degree

45.03.02 Linguistics

Translation and Translation Studies (English  -  German; German - English)

44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with 2 profiles)

English – German

German – English

French – English


Master’s Degree

45.04.02 Linguistics

Translation and Translation Studies (English - German; German - English)

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Foreign language


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