For students

Department of foreign languages for non-linguistic specialties

  • 9 March 2017, 14:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2984

Founded: 1958

Since 2013 it has been headed by Irina Romanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor.

The total teaching staff includes 31 members + 4 external staff members; including 1 Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor; 1 PhD, associate professor; 14 Candidates of Sciences. 4 teachers at the moment are studying for obtaining a post graduate’s degree, and 7 for the Master’s degree.

The Department employs some foreign lecturers as well: Samantha Ann Lomb (PhD (USA)), Antonio Elia (Italy), Julia Purnaning Dyash (Indonesia).

The employees of the Department upgrade their professional skills by regularly participating in international conferences, applying for research projects competitions, organizing various scientific events, publishing their works in scientific journals, actively cooperating with other VyatSU departments.

The lecturers of the Department work with the Bachelors, Masters, Specialists and Postgraduates of all non-linguistics areas that exist at VyatSU and take the Candidate’s exams.


The Teaching Subjects:

* Foreign language (English / German)

* Foreign language in professional communication (English, German)

* Foreign language for professionals

* English language in computer science and computer engineering

* Foreign language in law (German)

* Foreign language for business (English, German)

* Business English

* Business negotiations in a foreign language

* Foreign language in scientific activity

* Scientific English

* Academic communication and texts’ presentation in English

* Spoken foreign language

* Second foreign language (English / German / French)

* Second foreign language (Italian)

* Latin language


Educational events:

The Department annually carries out the English language Olympiad, a language festival, various inter-institutional, inter-regional and international scientific conferences; as well as a lot of festivals and competitions for international students.

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