For students

Faculty of Linguistics

  • 9 March 2017, 12:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2892

The mission of the Faculty of Linguistics

The Faculty of Linguistics is designed to provide the region with required professionals and to operate as an integrated scientific and educational center of high-quality educational services in the field of linguistics and foreign language education. The key to the Faculty development is in modernization of education by introducing innovative technology of language teaching that is oriented to perspective regional and employers’ requirements, creating conditions for personal and professional self-development of teachers and students, implementing the international educational programs and academic mobility.


Scientific Schools’ formation

- Island dialectology

- Perceptual linguistics

- Learner centred approach to language education

- Implementation of multilingualism at secondary school

- Emotional component in foreign language education


Cooperation in scientific research

The integrated work of “Scientific laboratory of experimental phonetic and perceptual study of languages with different typological system” and Perm Scientific Center of UB RAS.


An active interaction with professional non-governmental organizations:

- Rosal (the Russian Association of Linguists, Moscow State Linguistic University previously known as Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages)

- Russian Union of Germanists

- Association of English teachers of Kirov region

- Association of German teachers of Kirov region, and others

- Co-operation with the Goethe Institute and DAAD


Strategic partnership, integration and interaction with the following foreign universities:

Friedrich Schiller University Jena, University of Vienna, University of Madrid, University of Jerusalem, the Institute of East German History and Folklore named after Kuntsig (Freiburg, Germany), the Department of General Linguistics and Translation of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (Germany), University of Hamburg (Germany), the George Augustus University (Göttingen, Germany), the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg (Germany), Justus-Liebig University (Giessen, Germany), Wuhan Textile University (China), University of Alabama (USA), The University of Florence (Italy).

The leading teachers from Germany, France, China, and USA cooperate with the Department and work there.


Study Programs



45.03.02 Linguistics

Translation and Translation Studies (English  -  German; German - English)

44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with 2 profiles)

English – German

German – English

French – English



Master’s Degree

45.04.02 Linguistics

Translation and Translation Studies (English - German; German - English)

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Foreign language



Post-graduate’s Degree

44.06.01 Education and Pedagogical science

Theory and teaching methods of education (foreign languages)

45.06.01 Linguistics and Literature science

Germanic languages

45.06.01 Linguistics and Literature science

Theory of language




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