For students

Department of automation and telecontrol

  • 26 March 2017, 13:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2809

The Department of automation and telecontrol is as old as the University itself and was launched in 1962 with a specialty "Automation and telecontrol". At those years the first scientific and practical work of the department started. The first business contract for controlling public transportation system was signed by the department in 1965.  The research work of the Department is characterized by scientific innovation combined with the practical significance for civil and defense needs of our country.

The specialists in the field of computerization of the industrial enterprises, scientific institutions, and banks are prepared here with a help of modern science achievements and innovative teaching methods.


Study programs

The Department of automation and telecontrol is in charge for the following Bachelor’s Study Programs:

Engineering Systems Management

Information systems and technologies.


Master’s programs:

Engineering Systems Management.

Information Systems and Technology

Both study programs complementing each other prepare specialists in development and operation of systems and their controls. But in the first case the students study how to use and control various technical facilities and equipment, and in the second case the subject is the management of documents and human resources, financial and information flows.
