For students

Department of electric drive and automation of production plants

  • 26 March 2017, 13:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2776

VyatSU Department of electric drive and automation of production plants is the unique one in the North-East of the European part of Russia; it was founded in 1972.

The Department has got some unique equipment for high-quality educational, methodical and scientific work; over 90% of teachers have academic degrees there.

The Department trains future engineers in a specialty "Electric drive and automation of production plants and technological complexes" and bachelors in profiles: "Drives in robotic and mechatronic systems", "Electric drive and automation"

The Department trains future engineers in a specialty "Electric drive and automation of production plants and technological complexes" with specializations "Power drive and automation of production plants and technological complexes" and "Electric drive and automation in robotics and flexible manufacturing systems" and bachelors in profiles: "Drives in robotic and mechatronic systems", "Electric drive and automation."

The Department successfully runs the Center for Robotics and Mechatronics of VyatSU.

Also, the Department is the base for the preparation of post-graduate students in specialties:

 "Electrical engineering complexes and systems"

 "System analysis, data management and processing"


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