For students

Department of Engineering Physics

  • 26 March 2017, 11:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2590

The Department of Engineering Physics founded in 1957 is one of the oldest at the University. The Department has been conducting a serious scientific research. A considerable contribution to science was made by the Laboratory for Studying of Thermophysical Properties of Materials, created by the former Rector V. Klabukov, and also by the Laboratory of Combustion and Explosion Physics. Employees of the Department have received 15 Author’s Certificates for their inventions. Every year University Olympiads in physics are organized by the Department staff. The team of University students took a lot of first prizes.

There are two scientific schools functioning at the Department:

A Scientific School under the guidance of Stanislav M. Reshetnikov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, is busy studying combustion processes. The School is in charge for a research laboratory "Physics of Combustion and Nanotechnology". The REC "Physics of Combustion and Extreme Processes" has been also successfully operating there. In 2009 the Department won a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Since 2010 a state scientific research program "Macrokinetics of combustion processes in the electrostatic field" has been being developed there. As of today more than 70 research works have been published by the Scientific School.

A Scientific School under the guidance of Vladimir A. Kuzmin, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, has been dealing with thermal radiation in engines and power plants.

The conducted scientific research have created some technique for computational experiment on complex research of radiation and combustion products for power plants, rocket engines and internal combustion engines.

As of today the School has published more than 90 scientific works, among them there are  two monographs "Radiation Characteristics of Polydisperse Systems of Spherical Particles" (1976), "Thermal Radiation in Motors and Power Plants" (2004).

The staff of the Department has received 18 Author’s Certificates for their inventions.

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