For students

Department of Fundamental and Computer Mathematics

  • 26 March 2017, 12:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2774

Bachelor's study program

Mathematics and Computer Science


Master's study program

Physical and mathematical education ("Mathematical education")

Pedagogical education ("Mathematics")

Mathematics and Informatics ("Algebra and Discrete Mathematics")

The department is in charge for Study programs in Mathematics and Informatics (both Bachelor’s and Master’s) and in Pedagogical programs (both Bachelor’s and Master’s) in Mathematics and Informatics.


Scientific research of the Department

Functional algebra and semiring theory

The University methods and mathematics methodology

History of mathematical education in Vyatka region

Additional mathematics education for schoolchildren



The Department participates regularly in the work on scientific grants. The grants are received from Soros (1998-2001), Russian Foundation for Basic Research (2003, 2008) and Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (2006, 2012, and 2015). Studies on the project part of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Functional Algebra and Semirings" has been conducted there as well.

In 2015 a lot of scientific research has been successfully done on the grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation and Kirov region (the theme "Problems and perspectives of development of continuous mathematical education in Kirov region”).

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