For students

Department of Information Technologies and Methods of Teaching Informatics

  • 26 March 2017, 12:40
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3341

The Department is in charge for the following Study Programs:

Pedagogical education (Informatics)

Pedagogical education (Informatics and English)

Education and pedagogical sciences (Theory and teaching methods for Informatics).

Scientific research at the Department

General questions of Informatics and Information technologies

Methods of teaching Informatics and Information technology

Philosophical and methodological aspects of Information technology.


In 2012 the Department won a grant on the following theme: "Development of the structured model for organization of an intellectually oriented teaching of Informatics" within the Federal target program (2009-2013) "Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of Innovative Russia".

In 2009 the Department won a competition for developing a multimedia training course on studying 1C built-in language. 23 possible scenarios and methodical recommendations for them have been developed within a project.

2 teachers of the Department T.Isupova and T.Zorina won a contest for the best e-publication on Computer networks at VyatGGU in 2009.

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