For students

Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics

  • 26 March 2017, 12:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2813

Study Programs

Physics with the profile "Medical Physics".

Pedagogical education with the profile "Physics. Informatics".

Applied and academic bachelor’s programs are implemented there.

The masters are being trained in the same programs. Study period is 2 years.

The Department is also in charge for a postgraduate course on a specialty of Theory and Methods of Teaching and Education (Physics).


The Department of physics and methods of teaching physics cooperates with the Departments of physics of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Kirov State Medical Academy, the Research Institute of Hematology, and other medical institutions in Kirov, as well as with the Center for Additional Education for Gifted Schoolchildren.


Under the guidance of S.Voronchikhin, Candidate of the Engineering Sciences, theoretical and experimental studies aimed at optimizing the supercomputer cooling systems are conducted within a grant from the RFBR.

Scientific research of the Department

Two Scientific Schools have been formed at the Department as of today: "Methodology of cognitive activity in methods of teaching physics", headed by Professor Saurov, and "Personal development through cognitive activity in studying process", headed by Professor Danyushenkov. The latter is in charge for two research laboratories: "Educational process in small village schools" and "Development of regional education".

 In addition the Department develops the following scientific areas:

- Study of cavitation processes in liquids

- Thermophysical research of renewable energy sources

- Study of chemiluminescence of blood components

- Study of the characteristics of microcrystals of biological fluids

- Methods of teaching physics at school and university

- Models and modeling in physics and methods of teaching physics

- Integrative-differentiated approach to teaching physics


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