For students

Department of radio electronics

  • 26 March 2017, 13:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2798


Department of radio electronics

The Department is in charge for the following study programs

- Information Security

- Info-communication technologies and communication systems

- Information security of telecommunication system 

Scientific research and practical developments

A working group headed by E.Petrov has developed a special calculator for the Main Scientific Rocket Centre named after Academician V.P.Makeev (Miass), which in real time can count some rocket parameters that are transmitted by telemetry to the data processing center.

A working group headed by E.Domrachev has invented a system for special radio signals recognition for a scientific production association "Vector" (St.Petersburg).

The scientists and engineers of the department have been involved in the development of digital signal processing units of the first domestic mobile communication systems. To be exact, a domestic first digital filter and a digital device for a search and harmonic interference suppression based on digital filter bank have been tested by them.

One of the developments created by Petrov’s working group was an intelligent multifunctional electronic combination lock, which has received a patent. This electronic lock can be a central unit to the "intelligent house".

Today the scientific school of E.P.Petrov works on urgent problems of our time, namely, compression algorithms, filtering and segmentation of video data. New algorithms for digital image processing can be used in digital TV, mobile phones, video telephony, the Internet, systems of video surveillance, video conferencing, multimedia transmission systems, aerial photographs, etc.

Some new development of the Department is an analysis of algorithms for self-organizing wireless networks. A lot of research conducts in the field of cognitive networks, routing protocols, software defined radio, digital filtering.


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