For students

Department of adaptive physical education and teaching methods

  • 17 September 2018, 08:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2797

In 2002, the University got a license for the right to train spesialists in the specialty "Physical Education for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive Physical education)".

In September 2004, the Department of Adaptive physical education was opened. The first intakes for this specialty were in 2002-2003 academic year. 29 people entered five-year training program and 22 three-year program, 29 people chose four-year correspondence education program.

Taking into account the growing urgency of anti-drug prevention work with children, teenagers and young people, the department opened new specialization "Fundamentals of preventive anti-drug activity by means of physical education". Since 2003, teachers and students of the Department take part in the All-Russian Universiade among students studying in the specialty "Adaptive physical education", and often taking prizes.

In 2001, the faculty opened postgraduate program in the specialty "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical education." Currently, the Department trains bachelors in the direction of training "physical education for people with disabilities (adaptive physical education)".

Since 2016, the Department has been training magisters in the direction of training "Physical education for people with disabilities (adaptive physical culture)", the profile - "Adaptive physical rehabilitation".


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