For students

The Department of defectology

  • 11 September 2018, 08:10
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2884

The Department of defectology trains bachelors and magisters in the following direction: "Special (defectological) education" Profiles:

- "Speech therapy"

- "Special psychology"


Graduates of the Department successfully work as:

• Psychologists in educational institutions, organizations of social protection, health, law enforcement;

• speech therapists of preschool and school educational institutions;

• specialists of diagnostic and correction-development centers;

• teachers in universities and colleges.

Many graduates of the Department established themselves as highly professional specialists.

The Department implements two directions of scientific activity:

• Actual problems of psychological and pedagogical support for children and adults with disabilities.

• Psychological and pedagogical support of innovative educational processes. 4 candidate's theses are defended.

The Department regularly organize and take part in international scientific and practical conferences, seminars and master classes. Students are involved in scientific work.

The Department created all the conditions for training speech therapists and special psychologists, for successful training a practical-oriented approach on the basis of the Logopedic Studio of the Vyatka State University is carried out.

The practice of the students are usually organized in educational and rehabilitation organizations of Kirov and Kirov region. Regional innovation platforms are opened.

The Department of defectology has a close-knit team of experienced teachers, there are classrooms equipped with everything necessary and modern material and technical base.

Graduating the bachelor programs the training can be continued in the magistracy in the direction of training 44.04.03 "Special (defectological) education" with the profile "Logopedic work with persons with disabilities" or with the profile "Psychological and pedagogical support of persons with disabilities".

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