For students

Department of architecture and urban planning

  • 12 December 2017, 08:46
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2901

The Department of Architecture and Urban planning is a part of the faculty of civil engineering and architecture and has a graduate department status. It was founded in 1980.

The department provides educational, methodical, research and design activities.

The department has a laboratory of construction physics, a scientific center for scientific research work for students and teachers, a student architectural center and a cabinet of course and diploma projects.

The department trains students in the following profiles: Industrial and civil engineering, Urban construction and economy, expertise and property management, also takes part in a retraining and professional development programs.

The subject of scientific research of teachers and staff of the department is defined in the context of regional plans for the development of the architectural and construction complex.

The main scientific theme of the department: "Architectural and town planning research and conceptual design of modern and historic buildings."

The mission of the department on the one hand is the qualitative training of highly qualified specialists in the field of construction and architecture, who will be competitive in the labor market for a long time. And on the other hand the development of fundamental and applied science as the basis for the high quality of education and sources of new knowledge and technologies, cultural enlightenment of the population, participation in the restoration of lost architectural monuments.

More than 35 years the unique youth scientific association “Student Architectural Center” has been working at the department.

The department and the “Student Architectural Center” annually participate in international exhibitions and festivals "Zodchestvo" and repeatedly awarded with diplomas and medals.

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