For students

Department of building structures and machines

  • 12 December 2017, 09:54
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2691

The Department of Building Structures and Machines teaches a block of special disciplines for students of all forms of training in the following specialties: "Industrial and civil engineering"; "Urban construction and economy"; "Safety of technological processes", "Engineering protection and protection of structures".

When lecturing, modern computer technologies are used. Practical classes are conducted in a computer classes using certified and licensed software.

Laboratory works on such disciplines as "Reinforced concrete structures", "Wood and plastics constructions" and "Testing of structures" are conducted in the laboratory "Testing of Structures".

In accordance with the plan of state budget scientific research work the Department carries out following research work: "The Frame-membrane steel constructions", "Wooden building structures with nailed connections", "Strengthening of reinforced concrete structures of buildings cover", "CAD of building constructions".

For the last 7 years 2 Candidate's and a doctoral dissertations (Tyukalov Yu.) are protected.

In the Research and Design Center of Building Constructions (under the guidance of prof. Piskunov Yu.V.) more than 20 projects of industrial and civil buildings with a new type of load-bearing and enclosing structures - metal-wood building elements with nodes on nailed connections have been developed. More than 50 construction projects have been built in the Kirov region and beyond using these projects.


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