For students

Department of electric power systems

  • 1 November 2017, 11:48
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2512

The modern electric power system is a powerful electric power station that generates electricity; high-voltage substations and networks; sophisticated technology; automation and telemechanics designed to ensure the reliability of the operation of networks and systems, and an extensive network of automatic dispatch control.

Since entering the University until graduation, future specialists in power systems needs to master their knowledge in mathematics and physics, to study the theoretical foundations of the use of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism, the theory of the use of high and ultra-high voltages in electricity transmission.

Students must master the complicated mechanism of automation of electric power systems, which allows conducting technological processes of power supply of objects of the national economy effective and with a high degree of reliability.

An electric power engineer is an expert in the field of electric power systems. He should have a wide range of knowledge in the field of new information technologies, be able to apply this knowledge to specific energy problems.

The obtained knowledge allows the graduate of the department to engage in various fields of activity:

- scientific research in the field of modern methods of production and transmission of electrical energy,

- the creation of high-voltage structures, and the development of operating modes and control of power systems,

- design and construction of power stations, networks and systems.

- development of electric power plant projects,

- creation of automated control systems for power industry,

- creation of emergency control system of power systems,

- operation of existing equipment in power systems, power plants, in electrical networks.

Or you can choose to develop mathematical methods for implementing system models using new information technologies.


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