For students

Department of electrical and electronics engineering

  • 1 November 2017, 11:41
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2817

The staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering began to form in 1958 in the branch of the All-Union Correspondence Power Institute. In 1963, the Department of Electrical Engineering was a part of the newly founded Kirov Polytechnic Institute. In 1970, the Department was included in the faculty of electrical engineering.

In 1996 the Department of electrical engineering was renamed the Department of electrical engineering and electronics.

In the late 90’s, the post-graduate program was opened in Vyatka State University and graduate students appeared at the department.  

In 2008, new training laboratories were opened.

The last ten years the scientific and research work of the department was conducted in the scientific and production laboratory (NPL) “the structure of the ozonizer” (scientific adviser V.I. Panteleev) and in the scientific and production center (SPC) "Electrosafety" (scientific adviser A.A. Krasnykh).

The scientific and production laboratory “The structure of the ozonizer” was founded on the basis of the laboratory of technical means and regulation, which was established in 1973 by Yu.P. Razuvaev. The laboratory staff were engaged in the development and manufacture of ozonator equipment for ecology, biology and medicine. In 2013, the laboratory was closed.

The scientific and production center (SPC) "Electrosafety" was founded in 1995 on the initiative of JSC "Kirovenergo" and RAO "UES of Russia". The aim of this center is to reduce the risk of injury during the operation of electric power facilities, the creation and implementation of a complex of electronic protective equipment and devices for monitoring dangerous factors.


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