For students

Department of heat engineering and hydraulics

  • 11 October 2017, 13:21
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2463

The department of heat engineering and hydraulics stars to work when Grigory Ab. Shapiro came to work at the Kirov polytechnic Institute. Shapiro passed the competition and become an associate professor of the Department of theoretical mechanics where was a substantive commission of heat engineering and hydraulics.

In 1974 The Department of heat engineering and hydraulics began to work as an independent unit of the Institute. Shapiro was elected as a head of the Department and led until the end of his life (until December 1995)

From 1996 to 2000 the Professor, Ph. D. in Engineering Science Ivan Vasilyevich Shestakov led the Department.

From 2000 to 2013 the head was Efros Evgeny Isaakovich, doctor of engineering science. Efros also was the founder and the head of the scientific production laboratory «Improvement of operational efficiency of the Central Heating and Power Plant».

Since 2013 the head of the Department of heat engineering and hydraulics is associate professor, Ph.D in Engineering Science Dmitry Mikhailovich Suvorov.

Initially, the Department treated the machine-building Faculty, and from 1978 it relates to the Electrical engineering faculty.

The main direction of scientific activity in the Department that time– increasing energy and economic efficiency of production of thermal and electric energy by improving modes of operation, structures, thermal schemes of turbine units and auxiliary equipment of CHPP on the basis of new knowledge.

Annually students, teaching stuff and engineers of the Department engaged to undertake contractual works.


Establishing and developing close cooperation with leading scientific-research, design organizations, universities, and turbine factories allowed to find the most correct solutions to emerging scientific and technical issues. Developed original methods of experimental research. Using the received data creation of advanced mathematical models, enabling detailed analysis of variable modes of operation of the equipment. Appear all new and new technical developments, significantly expands implementation of existing CHP.

In addition to the Kirov CHP Plant, which, in fact, was a kind of testing ground, several years later works are being carried out at dozens of CHP plants of various power systems of the country (from Moldova and Lithuania to Khabarovsk).

At 1982 as the results of hard research work, an industrial research laboratory “Improvement of operational efficiency of the Central Heating and Power Plant” was established. Later it would be the scientific production laboratory with the same name, which worked until 2010, when it was closed.

Establishment of the Industrial research laboratory was an evidence of the emergence of a new scientific school in the field of energy.

Since 2005, graduate students have been trained at the Department, many of whom, after completion of training, hold high positions in industry and administrative structures, and some continue to work on their dissertations.

The staff of the department defended 3 doctoral dissertations.

The Department of heat engineering and hydraulics" has highly qualified teaching staff, a modern laboratory base and methodological support for all the disciplines taught.

The Department, with an active participation of students research power turbines and other power equipment in variable modes; creation of mathematical models of power plants and optimization of their work on the basis of the obtained models.

The technical solutions developed by the department are implemented in more than 50 turbo units of various power systems. The effectiveness of the proposals is confirmed both by the results of field observations and by the practice of operation.

Most research results are protected by copyright certificates and patents.

Since 2005 students of the specialty "Industrial heat and power engineering", annually participate in various national forums and student’s Olympiads on energy and resource conservation and industrial heat and power engineering.

In these contests, the preparation of which is carried out under the leadership of associate Professor D. M. Suvorov, our students won prizes in the team and individual competition.

Since 2007, the Vyatka State University Olympiad in industrial heat and power engineering has been held annually. This Olympiad is the stage of preparation for the All-Russian Olympiads. In addition, students and post-graduate students of the Department participate in scientific conferences and seminars, where almost every time they are awarded with diplomas for the great reports.

Specialty 140104 “Industrial heat and power engineering Is one of the specialty of the electrical engineering faculty. It was opened in 2000 at the Department of Heat Engineering and Hydraulics and was aimed at solving the most acute deficit problem in heat power specialists not only at the enterprises of the Kirov region, but also in the surrounding regions.

The necessity for such specialists today and in the future is obvious and dictated by stringent requirements to reduce the energy intensity of any industry, saving fuel and energy resources in the consumption sphere.

For 11 years, more than 400 heat and power specialists graduated the Department. They work all over the Russia.

Since 2011 in the Department has been started to train bachelors on the direction 140104.62 “heat and power engineering”(profile “Industrial heat and power engineering) on full time and correspondence accelerated forms of training.

In 2013 the Magistracy in the direction of 140104.68 "Heat power engineering and heat engineering" was opened.