For students

Department of industrial safety and engineering systems

  • 7 December 2017, 07:55
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2801

The Department of Industrial Safety and Engineering Systems has highly qualified staff, modern laboratory facilities and methodological support for subjects taught.

The department trains students in the following areas of studying:

Bachelor's program: «Technospheric sefety», «Nature use and water disposal»,

Magistracy: «Technospheric sefety».

The research work at the Department divided into few areas:

  1. Intensification of processes of chemical and biocide treatment of the water environment by the hydrodynamic cavitation effect.
  2. Introduction of the advanced technology of desalination of drinking water by the Magnesian method for active water intake using the experimental line.
  3. Development of a test stand for the purification of gas-air emissions by ozonation.
  4. Improvement of the methodology for assessing the risk of anthropogenic impact on the environment.

Expertise of industrial safety


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