For students

Department of power stations

  • 1 November 2017, 11:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2625

The Department of power stations of the Vyatka State University prepares specialists for work at power plants, in district power managements, in design and adjustment organizations.

A bachelor in "power stations" should be well versed in the technology of production of not only electrical but also thermal energy. Therefore, students, along with electrical equipment, study steam generators, turbines, heat networks, the whole processing chain from fuel extraction to the consumer.

Qualified electricians can work in any industry, because the chief power engineer departments in enterprises need such universal employees. This fact significantly expands the scope of their possible employment. This is the difference between the "power stations" profile and other profiles in the electrical engineering faculty.

Many graduates of the Department occupy high positions in the energy sector.

The main direction of scientific activity of the department "Modes of operation of power stations and power systems" includes studies of asymmetric modes and incomplete phase damage of power lines, diagnostics of various high-voltage equipment, investigation of the influence of magnetic fields on the operation of relay protection and automation devices.

7 candidate dissertations are defended on this scientific direction.

Students are attracted to scientific activities, and the most talented continue education on postgraduate program.

A cohesive team of experienced teachers are working at the Department. There are laboratories equipped with all necessary, used modern computer technology. For those who want to continue their studies, postgraduate study is open.


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